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Available Now...the Bluci FiltroPro Professional Filter Tap!

Arriving in March 2017, the innovative FiltroPro Profesional Filter Kitchen Tap is now available online from

Meet the New Cooking Sensation

Meet the New Cooking Sensation. PITT ® cooking: a real eyecatcher in your kitchen.

Reginox New York Sinks

The Reginox family of New York kitchen sinks are a super sleek square design.

What are the benefits of a corner sink?

Corner sinks come into their own where a kitchen is unusually shaped or space is at a premium.

For the ultimate minimalistic look...the flush mounted sink!

Flush mounted sinks are the latest innovative trend in kitchen design.

All about undermount sinks

Offering a seamless contemporary look which is both stylish and functional, the undermount kitchen sink is both practical and hygienic.

What is an inset sink?

Also known as overmount sinks, inset sinks are the most popular type of kitchen sink and are the most straightforward to install.

Add a splash of colour!

From a fun and daring bright green to a subtle and classic light grey, you can inject personality into your kitchen in a fresh and creative way.

Why choose a Belfast or Butler sink?

Belfast sinks often create more of a focal point in a kitchen than many other sinks.


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